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to REACH, TEACH AND UNLEASH committed followers for Jesus.

Core Values

We believe we each must commit to a life-style consistent with the Great Commandment.

A genuine love for God motivates a desire for continuing spiritual growth.  Through the practice of individual and corporate spiritual disciplines, participation in small groups, accountability, and open honesty we will continue to mature in our faith.  (Mark 12:29-31; Acts 2:44-47; 1 Timothy 4:7; Proverbs 27:17)


We believe God values all persons and created them for His purposes.  

Because People are eternally valuable to God, they are to us as well. We will extend God's love to all people without regard for denominational, racial, ethnic, or other demographic differences. (John 13:34-35; Acts 10:34-35; Matthew 28:19)


We believe in the freedom and life-change made possible through a dynamic relationship with Jesus.  

This is God's Good News!  In innovative and creative ways we will invite people into a relationship with Jesus.  We will work to recognize and remove barriers in our own lives and within our church fellowship that might hinder such a relationship.  (John 8:34-36; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 14:13)


We believe that as God transforms us, we will transform the world.

Just as Jesus was a subversive in his earthly culture, we will actively engage our culture in order to change it.  In social or political controversies or conflicts we will endeavor to act in a way reflective of Christ.  We will work to alleviate the suffering of individuals through ministries of compassion, both physical and spiritual.  (Romans 12:2;1 John 2:25; Matthew 5:15)


We believe God is worthy of our very best.  

We give our best to God, not waiting on perfection, but aiming for excellence in every activity.  We will seek God's will for our church and its ministries, pray for God's direction, and give God all praise and honor.  (Proverbs 3:8; Mark 12:30; James 1:17)


We believe every member is a minister.  

We are a gift-based, volunteer-driven church.  Every believer is created, gifted, and authorized for ministry.  The church will help each person discover, develop, and deploy his or her abilities to become passionate, willing-hearted servants of God.  Ministries will be most effective when led by a team of people with complementary gifts and talents. (Mark 10:45; Romans 12:5-6; 1 Corinthians 12:14-20)


We believe loving and authentic relationships are vital to our lives and our church.  

We will cooperate with God and each other to confront dysfunction in our individual and corporate lives in order to become emotionally healthy human beings.  Rather than give audience to a spirit of complaining we will instead be courageous in solving problems in a way that honors God, builds biblical character, and preserves the unity of the Spirit in our church.  (1 Peter 3:8; Matthew 5:23-24; Philippians 2:14-15)


We believe prayer is essential to a Spirit-led and Spirit-empowered congregation.

We teach the importance of prayers for healing and prayers of adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.  Prayer keeps us in right relationship with God and guides in making sound decisions. (Psalm 66:19; Romans 12:12; Philippians 4:6)


We believe miracles are still part of God's plan to reach the world.

In the ministry of Jesus, and in the early church, the working of miracles, especially healing, often prepared hearts and minds to receive the Good News of Jesus.  We believe God continues to work in that way today. (John 2:23; Acts 3:16; Matthew 10:1)

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